Single Phase, Three Phase, & DC Motors
Electric Motor Company offers single phase, three phase, and DC motors in a variety of enclosures and speeds. Use the filters to choose your options and narrow down your results!

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What is a Single Phase Motor?
Single phase motors are rated for use at 120 and/or 240 volts AC @ 60 Hertz. We offer four different types of single phase motors; Split Phase, PSC (Permanent Split Capacitor), Capacitor Start and Capacitor Start/Capacitor Run.
Split phase motors have low starting torque, no capacitors, have high starting current and have switching to drop the start winding out of the circuit when the rotor speed gets to 75% of the rated speed. These are typically used in low torque applications like belt drive fans, blowers and pumps. The horsepower ranges for this type of motor are typically under 1 horsepower.
PSC or Permanent Split Capacitor are a low torque motor typically used on direct drive fans and blowers. They have a run capacitor in the circuit at all times to increase their efficiency. These also have a lower horsepower ratings under 1 horsepower.
Capacitor start motors use a capacitor to increase the starting torque of the motor. These motors use switching to take the start winding and capacitor out of the start circuit once the rotor reaches 75% of its rated speed. These are typically used on compressor, industrial, commercial and farm equipment. Typical horsepower ranges are 3 horsepower and lower.

Capacitor start/capacitor run motors use both a start capacitor for higher starting torque and a run capacitor for increased efficiency. These motors have the start capacitor switched out of the circuit when the rotor speed reaches 75% of the rated speed but the run capacitor stays in the circuit to reduce the amp draw of the motor. These are typically 3 horsepower to 15 horsepower.
What is a Three Phase Motor?
Three phase motors up to 100 horsepower are available in 208-230/460 or 575 volts at 60 Hz. 125 horsepower on up can use 460, 575, 2400 or 4160 volts AC on 60 Hz. Other voltages and frequencies are available. These motors have a high starting torque, power factor, high efficiency and low current.
Three phase motors do not use any switching, capacitors or relays. They are used for small to larger commercial and industrial applications.
What is a DC Motor?
DC motors are used off battery power or on a speed controller to vary the motor speed. These motors are better suited for lower speed operations. They maintain higher torque ratings as the speed is reduced.
Electric Motor Company carries 12V, 24V, 36V, 48V, 90V and 180V totally enclosed fan cooled motors available as well as DC controls. The lower voltages, 12V-48V DC motors, are used when AC power is not available but battery power is available. 90v and 180V DC motors are typically used on a DC drive to vary the output speed of the motor.
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