Air Compressors

Electric Motor Company handles portable air compressors, large industrial compressors, rotary screw air compressors, and accessories.  Contact us to find a compressor that fits your needs and helps get the job done!

Portable Air Compressors

Portable air compressors are fairly light weight and easy to move making them the perfect choice for using on the job. Compatible for garages and small shops.

castair 8gal portable air compressor
Industrial Compressor

Industrial Compressors

Industrial compressors are large, heavy duty and able to effortlessly run several air tools and inflate tires quickly. They are the clear choices for large shops and small businesses.

Rotray Screw Compressor

Rotary screw compressors are commonly used to replace piston compressors where large volumes of high pressure air is needed. They work well for large industrial applications or for operating high-power air tools such as jackhammers.

Rotary Screw Compressor
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  • All Cast Iron for long life and quiet operation
  • Slow R.P.M. from 445 to 995 for quiet operation and long life
  • Tapered roller bearings at both ends of crankshaft for superior support & less friction
  • Precision steel connecting rods with automotive type rod insert bearings at crankshaft & needle bearings at wrist pin for long service, life, & reliability
  • Pistons have 4-rings for higher efficiency & less oil carry-over
  • Centrifugal unloader for loadless start-up every time C1, C2
  • Automotive type intake filter/silencer
  • Sight glass to insure proper oil level at a glance

Tanks, Motors, Controls

  • Powder coated ASME tanks with 4 legs on verticals, channel on horizontals
  • ASME safety valves. Metal belt guard totally enclosed
  • Copper discharge & unloader tube.
  • Heavy duty 1725 R.P.M. industrial motors, with full 15% service factor
  • Industrial name brand pressure switch & magnetic starter

We'll help you find what fits your needs!

Our knowledgeable staff is ready to help you find the best product to get the job done.

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